Xbox Series X/S, PS5/PS4, Xbox One, PC ¦ shooterWhen you’re a youngster growing up, it’s no surprise that that idea of monsters roaming the Earth before us is such an exciting one. So when the likes of Jurassic Park - or for the more mature discerning cinema-goer, 1974’s The Land That time Forgot - it’s no wonder that seeing them come to life only fuels that excitement.
So then, if a game comes along, with the simple premise of having you kill dinosaurs – and lots of them – you know that’s going to pique some interest. Initially at least.

I don't about you guys but I don't think this urban renewel programme is working here.
It’s the future, and a patrol squad of fighters, all with their unique set of skills and personalised exosuits, have been transported to the Bikitoa islands, where they now find themselves involved in a number of wargames, all created by an AI entity known as Leviathan, where they take part in battle simulations facing epic foes from the past – dinosaurs.
It all sounds rather elaborate and exciting as a premise, but sadly Capcom’s latest is anything but.

hey, weren't you in Jurassic park? Can i have your autograph?
The reality of it is, is that it’s a very bare-boned multi-player game, so much so that you could be forgiven for thinking it's the first season of a live service title. And not a very good one at that.
The first bone of contention is the fact you have to sign up for a Capcom ID to play, if you don’t have one already. Although this is becoming more commonplace, it’s still a gripe.
You then play 5 v 5, but not against each other; you compete with the other team, doing the same scenario, to see who gets through the missions the quickest. The team that wins is decided on that basis, or, a final face-off between the two. And that’s it.
You play as one character, from a choice of three character classes: assault, tank and support. You can swap back and forth between them all, but you can only level up the particular character your playing as. So as we’ve only played as one class – assault – our other classes have yet to level up.
Not that levelling up does that much. You still keep the same limited weapons you have, that can’t be switched, but you can upgrade their abilities, albeit in the smallest of increments for cash earned within the game.
The combat zones are also tragically limited. For the most we’ve only played on mostly one, with another popping up occasionally. And it was only in our last game that a third emerged. But so far, that’s it.
The zones are very confined too, with very little room for manoeuvring, as you are corralled through not very wide roads, in some very dull environs.
And then there are the dinosaurs themselves. Yes there are a number of them, but they don’t have any really personality, and are simply cannon-fodder. They could easily be replaced by rubber ducks and no difference would be made to the game.
And that is very much it. Without a single player campaign, the game is a tedious and repetitive chore. The developers have tried to make up for it with a ‘story’, which you unlock through progression, but you quickly find yourself holding down the B button and ignoring them, as they add nothing to the game.
On top of that, it takes a mind-numbing amount of time to actually get into a game, with you having to sit through a number of set scenes, which are clearly put there to try and disguise the hideous loading times.
It really wouldn’t be acceptable as a free-to-play live service game, but considering this is a full priced game it’s nothing short of outrageous and unacceptable.
So yes, Capcom have managed quite a feat, in making a game about shooting dinosaurs an absolute bore. It will no doubt go the same way as the dinos, and become extinct very, very soon.