Nintendo Switch Sports
Switch ¦ SportsSomething that’s always simply a given is that you shouldn’t have to stand up playing a video game. So it’s only fair that any game that has the audacity of making you get up off your chair, automatically has a boom taken off its review score.
However, with the phenomenal success that came with the release of Wii Sports, which was certainly helped by the fact that it was bundled in with the unique Nintendo system, it was inevitable that we were going to be forced to get to our feet once more.
Here then are six sports – initially at least, with golf swinging its way into the game at a later date – for you to wave like a crazy person playing.

Yeah Bey-itch, i'm all over this dark side shit!!!
Three of them will already be familiar to those who played the Wii original and Sports Resort, which are tennis, bowling and chambara. These are joined by football, volleyball and badminton. And it’s here that the game hits its first stumbling block.
The fact that half the sports featured have appeared in previous games is really disappointing. Let’s face it, there are plenty of sports out there, so relying on games that many are already familiar with, is definitely a letdown. As is the fact that there are only six games at launch; when Wii Sports Resort was released in 2009 it had around 15 sports available to play, so having six just feels skimpy.
It’s also troubling that the mechanics of three of them - volleyball, tennis and badminton – are all fairly similar, with you waving the controller up and down in front of you to serve and return.

Hey you, can I have your number?
But there is some good news. The sports themselves work well, and are pretty responsive overall. The addition of football is a welcome one; it’s like a version of Rocket League, with the cars being replaced with cute, cartoonish figures. And chambara, that is all about sword play, still remains the best lightsaber sim you can play.
And if you’re like us and relatively unfit, there’s a high chance of working up a mild sweat from waving your arms all over the place. And although it feels like an underhand form of exercise, the games are fun to play.
There’s also more of an online presence this time around, so if you can’t find anyone to play with at home, you can play online with friends, or just against randoms.
We’re not against the idea of Wii Sports returning in some fashion to the Switch, but the few sports available make it a somewhat short-lived experience. It may well be suffering from this recent show from Ninty with their sports titles, with releasing the bare bones of the game, and then drip-feeding extra DLC over the following months.
As it stands, Switch Sports is a fun, energetic title that is bound to go down well with newbies, but those who are old hands on the bowling lanes, courts etc, may feel this selection may feel that it’s not quite as sporty as it should have been.
Meanwhile, the only way to show our disapproval at Ninty is with a sit down protest, a comfy restful one, and you’re welcome to join us.